KNOTN Stage I Agro's Banner

Agro's banner is not the best example of medieval heraldry on the block, and he prefers to not depict it that way... It is what it is, an I'm rather fond of the bloke so it's not so bad. Though I must admit the green did burn through my retnas. :)

The first hurdle. Actually, let's be honest it. Let's call it the second hurdle. The second hurdle was this green paint. This is the tintex brand (though permiset is no better in this grade). There is insufficient pigment between the blue (which is rubbish) and the yellow to make green. So the result is this dreadful primary school level of painting. Really quite rubbish.

I gnashed my teeth, and then I punched the sky. Then I sent Gabriel in for some different paint. And this time he got Permiset Fabric Magic - which is an opaque paint and twice the price. And for this we got a complete cover, and burnt retnas.

Hurray!!! The next hurdle of course was opening up the white paint to discover that it had turned into jelly - ew!

Nothing like a barmix to make it come back to life - just pulsate and hey presto! Paint! All good!

And here he is, bless his heart, Agro's turtle... (Raph?)